Only in Boston by Duncan J.D. Smith

23 The 9/11 Memorial at Logan International Airport Charlestown & East Boston 7 Remembering 9/11 MA 02128 (East Boston), the 9/11 Memorial on Logan Memorial Way at Logan International Airport T Silver Line 1 to Terminal A or Blue Line to Airport and Bus 22 to Terminal A, then cross the sky bridge to a parking garage and descend to ground level and walk to the memorial Readers of a certain age will remember where they were on the day Brookline-born John F. Kennedy was assassi- nated. Many more will recall their whereabouts on Septem- ber 11th, 2001, when terror- ists flew civilian aircraft into the World Trade Center. With the media focussed squarely on New York City, it is easy to forget that the aircraft flew from Boston’s Logan Interna- tional Airport, where several memorials recall the fateful day. There are actually five 9/11 memorials at Logan. Three are American flags fly- ing over the gates where the two flights pushed back ready for departure. The flag over gate B-32 honours the crew and passengers of American Airlines Flight 11, which hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8.46am. The flag over neighbouring gate C-19 is for those who died on United Airlines Flight 175, which hit the South Tower 17 minutes later. Within two hours both towers had collapsed resulting in the deaths of 2,753 people. The flags were erected by the airlines in the weeks after the attacks